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Yoga Classes for Kids and Teens

At Maritime Yoga, we embrace a holistic approach to child development that integrates Yoga and mindfulness practices. Our philosophy recognizes that children and youth are in a crucial period of emotional and social development, where they are beginning to develop deeper self-awareness and interpersonal understanding. We believe that by incorporating mindfulness techniques and Yoga practices, we will create an environment where they can learn to recognize and regulate their emotions and build resilience.


Our approach consists of age-appropriate yoga poses and movement, breathing exercises, guided relaxation and meditation.


The core principles of our philosophy include:


  1. Present-Moment Awareness: Teaching children to stay grounded in the present moment, reducing anxiety about the future or preoccupation with past events

  2. Body-Mind Connection: Helping participants understand how their thoughts and feelings manifest in their bodies, and how physical movement can influence emotional well-being

  3. Emotional Intelligence: Developing skills to identify, express, and manage emotions effectively

  4. Community Consciousness: Fostering awareness of how individual actions affect the group dynamic

  5. Personal Responsibility: Empowering participants to make mindful choices

  6. Peaceful Conflict Resolution: Using mindfulness techniques to approach conflicts with clarity and compassion 


Samantha Sambrooke (Yoga Therapist and Registered Yoga Kids Instructor) will be leading the classes. Sessions will be held at the Charlottetown Yoga Space. Payment can also be made via e-transfer.


Click on the boxes below for more info and to register for grades 1-3, 4-6 and teens 13-15. 

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